english version


8. July 2011
Reception of participants. Installation of peace camp.
Selection of moderators and reporters.
9. July
9h > Conference 1 : Culture of peace, EU charter of
human rights : Two tools for the youngness to promote
peace (participation of Frederico Mayor)
14h3o > Conference 2 : Culture of peace as the solution
of the problems with migrations in euro-mediteranean
21h3o > Evening interculturelle
10. July
9h > Conference 3 : Conflict Israel-Palestin: Have the
local pacifists of Bili’n’ got the solution of conflict?
14h3o > Conference 4 : Gender equality, men-women,
a basic struggle for peace culture. Movement of youth
and feminist movements in Europe.
21h > Preparing of youth Appeal and developing
campaignes for first target appointed on workshops
wich will be completed before conferences
11. July
9h > Conference 5 : Promote EU’s contribution to the
World Goals for development, factors of peace culture
14h3o: Conference 6 : Environmental impact of the
military activities
19h3o > Formulation of the Youth Appeals and
evaluation of the workshops
21h3o > Projection of movie and debate about the
relation between military activities and pollution
12. July
9h > Conference 7 : Reduction of military costs at
the level of Europe in order to assure human needs
14h3o > Conference 8 : For what is the nuclear
weapon used today ? Franco-English agreement
13. July
9h > Training course about non-violant action
13h > Civic Inspection of the nuclear base in Avord
20h3o > Formulation final of the Youth Appeals and
evaluation of the workshops


14. July
9h > Sport
12h > outside lunch
14h > Art workshop (one will be dedicated to the building of
a giant kite of peace)
15. July
9h > Sport
14h > Melting time with local population
21h > Concert (the local groups and world star)

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